
Episode 24

Wind Energy Myths Debunked

This episode’s theme is wind energy myths. The wind energy industry has seen explosive growth over the past decade. According to the American Wind Energy Association, wind energy facilities generated 6.5% of the electricity used in 2018. That’s enough to power 26 million homes.

About This Episode

In episode 24 of Gear Up with Gear Experts, we welcome Gear Expert Cody Sellers as our guest in the studio. Cody is the Northwest Regional Sales Manager and first joined us back on episode 3.

We talk with Cody about:

  1. The myth that wind energy is more expensive than conventional energy;
  2. The myth that wind turbines are really loud;
  3. The myth that turbines kill birds; and
  4. The myth that offshore wind turbines are not safe for sea life.

Our weekly insight stays in-line with the wind theme.

This week we discuss some of the interesting facts associated with wind energy. Topics include:

  1. US wind capacity;
  2. Job creation; and
  3. How much electricity is produced and the effects it has on our carbon footprint.


We’d also like to take this time to remind everyone that while this show is meant to be fun, entertaining, and informative it is not intended to replace proper, in-depth training. Manufacturer’s instructions must also be followed and reviewed before any fall protection equipment is used. And proper training should be received before operating any equipment or before climbing.

Why do YOU Climb?

We’d like to hear from you about why YOU climb. Email us a voice message at gearup@gearexperts.com about why you climb and what climbing means to you for a chance to be featured on the show – and win some swag of course.


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