
Episode 009

Tool Tethering

This episode’s theme is tool tethering. Tool tethering is another way to ensure that your crew, both the ones climbing/doing the work and the ones on the ground, stay safe.

About This Episide

In episode 9 of Gear Up with Gear Experts, our guest is Gear Expert Jim Zepp. Jim is the Regional Sales Manager for the South Central Region and has been with GME Supply and Columbia Safety for just over 6 years.

We talk with Jim about:

  1. What tool tethering is and how crews can apply it to their workday;
  2. Why you need to use tool tethers;
  3. How tool tethering works when tools are so different in size, shape, and weight; and
  4. How you can get started with tool tethering.

This week we discuss the ISEA/ANSI 121 Dropped Objects Prevention Standard. Topics include:

  1. A history of tool tethers;
  2. What the ISEA/ANSI 121 Standard entails; and
  3. What the standard outlines for safety managers, crew leads, or business owners.


April was a busy month for us and we have no plans of slowing down anytime soon. We are going to be joining our friends from FieldSESNE and Multiwave at Connect (X) in Orlando, FL from May 20th-23rd. If you find yourself at the show, be sure to stop by the FieldSENSE and Multiwave booths and have a chat with our Gear Experts.


We’d also like to remind everyone that while this show is meant to be fun, entertaining, and informative it is not intended to replace proper, in-depth training. Manufacturer’s instructions must also be followed and reviewed before any fall protection equipment is used. And proper training should be received before operating any equipment or before climbing.

Why Do You Climb?

We’d like to hear from you about why YOU climb. Email us a voice message at gearup@gearexperts.com about why you climb and what climbing means to you for a chance to be featured on the show – and win some swag of course.

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